Roche Group - Healthcare & Fitness
Our introduction to healthcare came through our construction contracting business in traditional style healthcare facility projects. Through these projects we have developed a specialty knowledge in a rapidly growing sector. We have been involved in private hospitals, nursing homes and medical specialty facilities to date and are currently negotiating for a number of other projects.
The Health and Wellness Centres, of which there are two, were born in 2008. This is a very simple concept. With the growing popularity of alternative, holistic and complimentary therapies, there comes a need for centres offering an array of these services. The Health and Wellness Centres provide this by offering therapy room rental to therapists in a branded centre. The revenue from room rental is added to be retail operations and tailored programmes for exercise, weight management and stress management.
As part of our development plan we are in the process of developing the Bodyworx brand. This is a gym concept with the Roche Group touch. The goal is to bring the personal touch back to the gym but also the social aspect of it by introducing separate areas for experienced and less experienced gym members, an eating area offering healthy snacks and a retail area offering supplements and training gear. Most importantly, the staff will be trained to understand that all members must be treated equally to ensure that each and every member enjoys their trip to the gym.